Last night I just finish reading the millionaire book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker. The book is very interesting book on how rich people (read millionaire) think and act compare to poor and middle-class people.
T. Harv Eker being a millionaire himself knows the right thought you should have in order to be a millionaire. He shows that in the chapter on the wealth files where he reveals seventeen ways to think like a millionaire.
“This book is the most powerful, persuasive and practical book on becoming wealthy that you will ever read” said Brian Tracy the author of Getting Rich Your Own Way. And I strongly agreed with him.
One of the strong points T. Harv Eker reveals is that how rich people treat making money as a game and they play the money game to win whereas poor people play the money game to not lose. Another important to note is rich people always mix around with more successful and richer people in order to learn whereas poor people like to stick around with less successful people and ask their advice. How true.
One of the habits I always ask myself at end of the day or weekend if I have make new friend today or this week? It could either be my corporate customer or simply my friend. It always motivates me to be with them as we can learn a lot by just sharing.
If you want to become wealthy read this one book by T. Harv Eker.
He is going to organize a 3 days Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar as stated in the book. This time it will be in Singapore Expo from 23rd to 25th November 2007.
This is a great way to reprogram our mind to a millionaire mindset.