For the last few weeks I was looking for an alternative way to make money or have multiple income. I was doing ok as an entrepreneur running my own installation business for light and sound. I have been doing this for the past few years now and I can say that I enjoy it so much. It have bring my financial freedom closer to my goal compare to when working for others.
With recent case happen to my eye problem I am now even more determine to have more passive income than depend solely on active income. In my current business if I stop working my income will stop as my business depend heavily on my active working. I find that this is not so suitable for me.
There are many ads in the newspaper on the making money seminar in Malaysia. I went to explore some of them as these are free seminar which is a prelude to a paid seminar.
Malaysia Forex Seminar
“Live Challenge : See How Much the Prefessional Trader Can Make in 90 mins”
“How to be street smart rather than be book smart”
Those are some of the promises that we can make money from Forex. I am not familar with these market so I will stay away.
Sales & Marketing Seminar
“Boost your profitability & sales volume without sweating”
“Identify how to overcome sales rejection while mastering proven tactics to turn prospect into customer, customer into client – even if you have no skill/experince.”
A marketing seminar that teaching others to overcome fear in selling. I think I will pass this ads.
Make money from stock options seminar
There are quite a few of these seminar teaching others to make money from trading US stock through options. Options trading is a cheaper way to enter US market to make money fast and if the stock move to your anticipation you will make money and if the stock move against your buy call or put then you will all or most of your margin.
I went for one of these seminar but I think I am not ready to trade US market. The problem is that I have to trade at night (in Malaysia) when US market open. It took some of my family time away and I guess it is not suitable for me.
I will probably start my stock trading for Malaysia and Singapore market.
Internet Marketing Make Money seminar
Internet Marketing seminar is quite active here in Malaysia shore. Mostly is from Ewen Chia seminar and Fabian seminar.
I have attended one of these seminar last year from UYMG Stephen Pierce.
In conclusion I have decided apart from being entrepreneur and working for my own business, I am going to try another making money opportunity in Malaysia stock trading and internet marketing.
If I don’t try I will never know if I will succeed. What do you think?
To your millionaire success.
Michael Liew