Flat Like A Pancake

“How is my eye, doctor?” I asked patiently.

“Flat like a pancake” that was Dr Angela Loo (Consultant Ophthalmologist – Retina Eye Specialist) reply as she was examing my retina detachment problem using the eye instrument.

“It looks all right and there is no further retinal detachment, good news” she said.

I was quite happy to hear the good news after nearly a month after my retinal detachment eye surgery done on my right eye. I was afraid that the surgery was not successful as some other patient have to do it again the second time.

My vision is still blur temporarily and hopefully it will recover someday. But I know my vision will take many months to improve after surgery. But I am happy for now.

It is time to get on with my millionaire journey and hopeful to enjoy meaning life as much as I can. Anything can happen along the road.  I am doing some adjustment to my plan for accelerated and better achievement.

To your millionaire success.
Michael Liew

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