Today we have seen many calamity happen recently like earthquake, storm, major flood and I was thinking is there future for us all. We work hard to get what we want today but is there a guarantee that we will enjoy the same tomorrow. Usually once we achieve our financial status today it is obvious… Continue reading I Learned My Lesson
Author: Michael Liew
The Journey Get Tough
It is good to be back for blogging. The 11 months periods was very tough for me. In fact the year 2008 was not even a good year as I look back. I am not complaining but the reality is that in the year 2008 a few major disaster did happened and it nearly take… Continue reading The Journey Get Tough
Can You Live With RM3,000 nett A Month?
This is a question have been asked by almost every one who earn on the average on RM3,000 nett take home income. That is the average wage earner in Malaysia. Supposingly you are married with 2 kids or even 4 schooling kids which is again the average family size in Malaysia – can you make… Continue reading Can You Live With RM3,000 nett A Month?
Going for Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV) Alternative?
As price for petrol in Malaysia has increase to RM2.70 per liter and diesel has increased to RM2.58 per liter, should we switch to alternative energy for car – NGV gas? As more and more motorist rushing to installed the NGV (Natural Gas Vehicle) tank for the car so much so that the queue at Petonas… Continue reading Going for Natural Gas Vehicles (NGV) Alternative?
Are You On The Right Track to Financial Freedom
To be financial success takes lots of courage and planning. We don’t have to be rich in order to be financial freedom. We don’t have to have lot cash in the bank to be financial freedom. In fact any body can attain financial freedom early depending on what kind of lifestyles you want in your… Continue reading Are You On The Right Track to Financial Freedom
Petrol increase by 40% from June 5 onward
I was in Subang when I received text messages that the petrol price in Malaysia will be increase from RM1.92 to RM2.70 and advise us to fill up the tank before midnite. I was thinking should I join the crowd to fill up my car. On my way home I saw heavy traffic near the petrol… Continue reading Petrol increase by 40% from June 5 onward
National Achievers Congress – The Previous Year
When I was at the National Achievers Congress 2008 in Kuala Lumpur I managed to take some picture of the National Achievers Congress previous year events poster at the lobby gallery. NAC events has been organized by the Success Resources Singapore for the past 16 years. This brainchild of Success Resources started in 1992 and is… Continue reading National Achievers Congress – The Previous Year
National Achievers Congress 2008 Kuala Lumpur
Second day of the National Achievers Congress NAC 2008 in Kuala Lumpur. The crowd is much more than yesterday. Today I signed up for the next year NAC 2009 in order to get a early offer. Last year the price was RM400.00 but this year the price is RM500. According to the organizer next year the… Continue reading National Achievers Congress 2008 Kuala Lumpur
National Achievers Congress 2008 Kuala Lumpur
Today is the first day of the National Achievers Congress 2008 held in Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC) Malaysia. This is the first they move the seminar in KLCC venue as the previous year it was held in World Trade Center Malaysia. The venue in KLCC is not bad actually with food court at the… Continue reading National Achievers Congress 2008 Kuala Lumpur
National Achievers Congress 2008 April 26th – 27th KLCC
This year National Achievers Congress (NAC) will be held in Kuala Lumpur Convention Center Malaysia (KLCC) on April 26th – 27th 2008. Every year for the past 5 years I will never fail to attend these wonderful seminar events. It was through one of these National Achievers Congress Seminar that has changed my life to… Continue reading National Achievers Congress 2008 April 26th – 27th KLCC